
Beauty Can be Deceptive

Cascades Smoke
I observed this ethereal sight hiking at dawn above the historic Mt. Hood  Timberline Lodge in Oregon where we were staying. This beautiful scene was, unfortunately, not morning fog and dew. It was toxic smoke from numerous wildfires in the Cascade Mountains. I was glad to be at higher altitude!
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Lichen Cosmos

Lichen Cosmos
A close up detail of an unusual blue boulder and orange lichen at Grimes Point Petroglyph Archeological Area, in central Nevada. It reminded me of cosmic imagery.
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Berlin Mine Ruins

Berlin Mine Ruins
Adjacent to the remote central Nevada Ichthyosaur State Park is the Berlin Mine ruins. I like the strong, crisscrossing diagonal composition of the old model T truck and the mine building.
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Rare Shields in Lehman Cave

Shields Lehman Cave
Lehman Cave is in the Great Basin National Park in eastern Nevada. I was drawn to the  stalactite formation that resembled a classical architectural column with a Corinthian capital. The shield-like disc on top of the column, and the second disc adjacent to it, are extremely rare formations.
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The Gubbe (Old Man)

The Gubbe
This handsome old guy is my father-in-law Carl Carlson. I took a picture of him in the late 1970’s on a sunny winter day hike in the UP of Michigan. I enjoyed creating this portrait recently, after finding the old 35mm slide.
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Pulteney Bridge on the Avon River

Pulteney Bridge
This is one of my favorite spots in Bath, England. The bridge and weir are in the center of the very historic downtown, near the Roman baths. We lived in Bath in the early 1980’s, in the hilltop neighborhood just to the left of the church spire in the center horizon of the picture.
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