
Koln Cathedral Interior

Koln Cathedral Interior
The Gothic “Dom” (Koln Cathedral) is the tallest twin spired church in the world (515 feet). The interior is enormous. It was fun sketching a soaring one point perspective of this memorable space, which I have visited many times on European business trips.
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Old Koln

Old Koln
90% of Koln was destroyed by Allied bombing in WW2. The Old Koln neighborhood on the Rhein River was completely re-built after the war in the traditional historic style. Most of Koln is very modern architecturally.
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Kenya Maasai Mara Sarova

Kenya Maasai Mara Sarova
On a photo safari in Kenya we stayed at the Mara Sarova Lodge in the Maasi Mara wildlife refuge. It was slightly unsettling to hear lions roaring at night near our canvas tent rooms. Vervet monkeys were a bigger problem. If you left your tent door open, a vervet would sneak in and steal anything it could grab quickly.
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Arc de Triomphe

Arc Triomphe
The famous Arc de Triomphe in the center of Paris is a magnet for tourists. I have never had so many people crowding around me when I sketched. A group of Chinese young people were very friendly, but in no hurry to leave me to my work.
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Haida House

Haida House
Our trip to Alaska and a cruise south through the inside passage to Vancouver was wonderful. The massive timber architecture of the Haida people along the coast , with distinctive totems, was a highlight.
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Sitka Church

Sitka Church
On our cruise in the Alaska Inside Passage we stopped at the town of Sitka. The 19th century Russian style Orthodox Church of St. Michael the Archangel was primarily built by Finnish carpenters. It is the earliest Orthodox cathedral in the New World.
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Aachen Dom

Aachen Dom
Aachen is a very interesting historic walled city. Charlemagne’s palace complex is one of the most unusual combinations of architectural styles that I have ever sketched. It is not beautiful, but charmingly eclectic.
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Atitlan Guatemala

Atitlan Guatemala
I sketched this charming church in Santiago Atitlan, a town between two volcanoes, on beautiful Lake Atitlan. The people in the region are indigenous Mayans. As an obvious Gringo I felt rather conspicuous while sketching, as I seemed to be of great interest to the children.
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