
Bald Eagle Diptych

Bald Eagle Diptych
Our magnificent American symbol has a very impressive skull. The bony ring around the eye socket, which forms the eagle’s unique eyebrow shape, is particularly interesting. 
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West Michigan Merlin Falcon

West Michigan Merlin Falcon
This is my 2nd drawing of a Merlin Falcon, the smallest falcon about the size of a large pigeon. They are fierce and beautiful, and often dine on the songbirds and chipmunks in our yard. This one landed on the ground right near our bird feeder….its favorite local restaurant.
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Chickadee Ridge

Chickadee Ridge
At the 9,000 ft. above sea level of Mount Rose, looking down on magnificent Lake Tahoe there is a ridge where the chickadees are unafraid of humans. They eat seeds from your hand. It was well worth it to snowshoe about 1.5 miles from the highway to that “magical” ridge.
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